Rice water is not only beneficial for your skin but also a holy grail for your hair. This remedy changed my life and gave me clear and glowing skin. I have a lot of scars and dryness on my face. Even my skin has many open pores, and I tried all organic and inorganic products on my face. I wasted all money and all in vain. My best friend recommended me rice water therapy. So, I apply rice cream to my face. And yes, magic happened, and my dream of neat and clean skin comes true. My skin started healing from blemish.
History of Rice Water for beauty
This treatment is not new. But instead, ancient women used this rice water for their skin and hair. This therapy started in Japan years ago, where women used to wash their hair and face with rice water. They used it in Japanese cosmetic products. It contains starch and beneficial protein, and that played the role of building blocks in our bodies. This therapy is quite common in Asian countries. Especially in China and Korea. Where women used this water as a token of their beauty. In a Chinese village named Huangluo where Red Yao women have long hair. Even 80 years old women also have long, thick and black hair. Rice water reduces the aging effects.

You have to soak rice. Then stain rice. Now your tonner is ready to use. You can store it but not for more than 5 or 6 days.
Scrub (to get rid of dead skin cells)
For making this natural scrub, you have to boil rice. But this time, you have to cook it partially. Grind this partially boiled water in grander. Now add oil or honey to this scrubber. Now your scrubbed is ready to use. Use it on dark patches of your body. It would give an instant glow to you.
Benefits of rice water for hair
Rice water is also beneficial for hair. It not only cures hair splits, but it also cures hair from inside to outside. Inositol is helpful for hair damage. Rice water is necessary for dandruff treatment in human beings. It softens and gives strength to our hair. The women of this village do not get white hair, and their hair remains black for a long time. You can use Rice water as a tonner, cleanser, and scrubber. It has three in one properties.
How to prepare it for hair?
There is not any strict rule to prepare rice water. You can prepare this water at home easily. Take 2/3 cup rice. Rinse it properly, soak it for 30 minutes, or you can sock it for one day also. Then you can use it to rinse your hair. Another method is the boiling method. You boil water and stain it. Now it is ready to use. Within a month, your face would glow pink. Now it is time to change your inorganic beauty products with natural beauty products. If you would give this kind of input, then the outcome would wonder you. Your skin would say thanks to you.
Benefits of Rice water for skin
Rice water has anti-aging effects. It prevents skin from aging, and it reduces wrinkles. And has the potential to slow down the aging process. It also naturally moisturizes the female skin. Rice has antioxidants, antioxidants like inositol, and it is beneficial for the skin and cures all damaged skin cells. As we know, some companies also add antioxidants. If you find these antioxidants in your kitchen, why spend so much money buying these expensive products? Rice water reduces skin irritation due to dryness. It has natural properties that could cure eczema. Studies showed that rice water increased the collegian in the skin and increases skin elasticity. It is beneficial for oily skin and open pores. It is consisting of protein so it is a building block for our skin.

Different methods to use it for the skin
Cream/ cleanser
You can make ice cream. That would leave you in awe. First of all, you have to boil rice and then stain it—blend rice in a blender. You can add essential oil to it to increase its productivity.
Toner (for skin brightening”)
It is necessary to clean rice water before using it, because it may have some impurities and pesticides in it. It may cause harm to your skin. So, before using it you have to clean and rinse it. Otherwise, it may cause harmful effects to your skin.